Software QA Automation Engineer (Full Stack)
Java, Selenium, TestNG, BDD Cucumber, Maven, JavaScript, Cypress, Playwright, Postman, Rest Assured API, SQL, Agile, Git, Jira, Jmeter, Manual & Automation
- 40 Lessons
- 1372 Students Enrolled
Course Curriculum
Section 1 - Introduction to Java
Installation, Creating Project, Package, ClassData Type, Variables, StringIf else Statement, Access modifiersSection 2 - Advanced Java
Switch StatementsLoops (For, while, and do while)ArrayMethods, and Method Type (Parameters, Return Types)Constructor, method overloading and overridingOOPS Concepts (Inheritance Abstraction, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation)Exception Handling (Throw and Throws)CollectionsSection 3 - Selenium
Introduction, Installation, and ConfigurationLocators,WebDriver, WebElementMaven, and Testing Framework with java and selenium TestNG, JUnitProperties file Reading, and Page Object Model (POM)Excel, CSV and Database Read and WriteITestlistener, Extent Reports and Log4J BDD Cucumber (Feature file, Step Definition and Runner Class)Selenium GridSection 4 - API Testing
Rest Assured APIPostmanSection 5 - Others
Cypress, PlaywrightJmeter, Performance Testing, Load TestingDatabase SQL and JDBC connectionManual TestingAgileGitJira, Jenkins